TRUCONF Final Workshop
As a concluding event for the project, we held a workshop at AVL on the 31th January 2018. During this workshop, we presented the methods developed within the project and the obtained evaluation results to an audience of AVL staff members. We arranged two sessions, one for each use case that was tackled within TRUCONF.
The major outcome of the first use case that was concerned with testing measurement devices, was a textual domain-specific modelling language called MDML. This language is easy to learn and to use so that non-experts can create models for model-based test-case generation [Burghard et al.].
The second use case targeted performance testing of a web-service-application for test bed management, called Test Factory Management Suite (TFMS). For this use case, we presented a testing technique that combines two existing methods property-based testing and statistical model checking in order to predict and check if the system requests satisfies certain response time limits [Schumi et al.].
We got a lot of positive feedback for our work and our results were praised by AVL. Moreover, the success of the project laid the foundation for future collaboration and projects.

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